The June meeting of EAA Chapter 922 was called to order by president, Marty Bevill with the following members present: Marc Hines, Ken Boyd, Dick Murray, Marty Bevill, Todd Bills, Mike Schnell and Walt Vogel. Also present was Mike Stanton, visitor.
The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. The president reported for the treasurer that the balance in the treasury was the same as last month, $243.22
Old Business: Mike Schnell discussed the upcoming Young Eagles Program which will take place Saturday, June 19, 2010, from 8 to 11 am. Mike would like the pilots and ground crew to be at the airport by 7:15 am to get things ready. Mike announced that generous donations from Russ Hovey and Todd Bills were made to the chapter for expenses for the Young Eagles Day. Members were reminded that youth between the ages of 8 and 17 with parental consent would be eligible for a flight.
New Business: Mike Stanton announced that his son may be going to the Space Camp in Huntsville this summer.
Dick Murray announced that there are aviation courses and scholarships available from the EAA for high school students.
Todd Bills talked about his project which is coming right along. He also showed pictures.
Marc Hines adjourned the meeting at 2:35 pm.
Walt Vogel, Secretary
I was in attendence at the young eagels day at axu and Iam confident in saying it was a complete succes for everyone involved.