The July meeting of EAA Chapter 922 was called to order July 11, 2010, at 2:00 pm by Vice President, Dick Murray. The following members were present: Walt Vogel, Dick Murray, Marc Hines, Neil Winget, Dick Heiby, Todd Bills, Gene Will, Ken Boyd, Brent Richter. Guests present were: Dave Berelsman and Ann Vogel.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Gene Will gave a treasurer’s report. He reported that the donations and the bill from the airport were the same, therefore, the balance is the same as last month. It was reported that Russ Hovey donated $150 toward the fuel bill for Young Eagles Day. Most of the Young Eagles came from St. Marys, New Bremen and New Knoxville. A total of 83 Young Eagles participated. Dick Murray told the group that he had received a nice thank you note. Thank you notes will be sent to those who donated above and beyond for the event. Thanks were given to all those who participated in the event this year.
It was reported that Marty Bevill, submitted his resignation as President of the local chapter. Dick Heiby and Ken Boyd moved that the chapter accept his resignation. Motion carried.
Dick Murray asked our guest Dave, to briefly explain how they run the Young Eagles Day where he is member in Florida. He suggested to ask all the pilots you know to see if they would be interested in participating and how long they would be able to fly and how many can they take at a time. Take only a certain number of students. If more come, tell them that if there is time they might be able to fly after the prescribed number of students have flown. Bill it as a Young Eagle event , rides weather permitting. If the weather is bad, have DVD’s or videos shown. Have a bag of “freebies” ready to give to each young eagle. They have a Young Eagles Event often during the year. Encourage volunteers to help and perhaps start a mentor program.
Dick asked for nominations for Vice-President. There were none, so that will be decided next month.
Dick also announced that Paul Tebbe has his Avid Flyer for sale again and Alan Holcomb from Van Wert is building a Hummel H-5.
Gen Will announced that the Versailles EAA chapter will be having a picnic at Gene’s hanger on Thursday, August 12. 922 EAA chapter members are also invited to attend. Bring a covered dish and spouse.
Dave Borelsman talked about flying in Dulles airport and the new technology that is out there for aviation using the I Phone and the I Pod.
Walt Vogel moved the meeting be adjourned.
Walt Vogel, Secretary; minutes recorded by Ann Vogel