Sunday, March 21, 2010
Walt try's on an Ercoupe
The talk at the table quickly turned to Randy Thompson's Ercoupe, N2853H, and whether one might be able to fly it this morning. The more we talked the more interest was generated and Walt decided to take advantage of the opportunity and experience the qualities only an Ercoupe affords its pilots.
I'm anxious to hear how he liked it because we had to leave before he returned.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
VNW Breakfast
I just received the flyer from Van Wert on their breakfast this Saturday, March 20. It is the community project for Van Wert high school and they do a real nice job with good pancakes. Might get a chance to see the Ercoupe you can't rent.
Excuse the blue hue, that is the way I received the file.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
March 14, 2010 Meeting
Chapter 922 met March 14 at AXV terminal building with the following pilots present: Walter Vogel, Neil Winget, Tom Fortman, Richard Murray, Marc Hines, Todd Bills, Marty Bevill, Ken Boyd, Mike Schnell and Gene Will. Also present was one guest, Matt Spitnale.
Marty Bevill, president, called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported the balance was the same as last month.
Marty Announced that the Luscomb that he was looking at does not meet the Sport Pilot requirements. He also announced that he finally has his membership cleared with the EAA national office.
Dick Murray announced the website is: . Neil Winget is still trying to obtain permission for a group to go to the restoration museum at Wright Patterson Air Force Museum.
Mike Schnell announced that the Young Eagles Day will be June 19, with a rain date of June 26. He has pamphlets and logbooks. Members will try to get out information to the schools.
Under new business, Todd Bills has the book, "Week-End Pilot" for members to borrow. There is also an CD, "Decision Making for Pilots" that Marty has available.
Members were reminded that under the sport pilot rules, they have unlimited distance. It was announced that Van Wert will have a fly-in on March 20.
Walt Vogel moved and Mike Schnell seconded the motion to adjourn.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
This beauty was captured at I74 this morning as its owners enjoyed Sunday breakfast. A model 415C, it is light sport eligible. It has had its wings metalized and is sporting an attractive polished paint scheme.